Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
" in spite of everything, kids were trying to look hip, even under risk of arrest."They did this by trying to stay in fashion by wearing the latest treads and listening to the newest music that was out. what i would've done if I was living during this time would probably do exactly what the kids did and tried to have fun even with the risk at hand. Some of the acts of rebellion I do as a teen is sneak out when I'm told not to go somewhere.Some other acts that i do as a teen is to go to parties that i have no business being at.I do this because i know my parents wouldn't want me to do it and i would like to prove to my parents i am the one calling the shots.When it comes down to it i know i listen to my parents.Thats why i can relate to how marji and her friends feel towards the cops.Expect that your parents would arrest you and throw you in jail and they just want to displine you.I feel like the cops are way tougher then any of our parents because, they are way too strict and it's pretty hard to get away with anything.Parents can be more lenetint
because they have love for us,but the cops in percolis seem like they dont care at all for the people.They are just going along with whatever the government does, and if you ask me they are all just punks because all it would have tooken was a few people to stand up.For what they thought was right other people would have quickly followed them ''OBAMA''! to make a change.I believe that nobody in the first place should be told what they can or can not wear or how to look because to me thats just power hungry.It's just a bunch of bs that people do just to make their self feel better.
because they have love for us,but the cops in percolis seem like they dont care at all for the people.They are just going along with whatever the government does, and if you ask me they are all just punks because all it would have tooken was a few people to stand up.For what they thought was right other people would have quickly followed them ''OBAMA''! to make a change.I believe that nobody in the first place should be told what they can or can not wear or how to look because to me thats just power hungry.It's just a bunch of bs that people do just to make their self feel better.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The cross something I hold to my heart... i know some day he'll return! when i sit and think about where I come from my heart starts to bleed. I say this because of all the people I've lost and how it's made me a better person.... i can still walk around with a smile on my face after been showen something totally different!

Looking at this sunset reminds me of the way heaven's going to be some day.... it also makes me think of my father and how he there right now smileing at me letting me know that everything's fine even without him=) luv u daddy--forever and always!

Thinking of the past and hoping for a better tomarrow... I know I'm just 16 but I have overcome alot of things and in this essay I will explain More.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
"This is my project".... Violet says this refering to the idea of tricking the feed into not knowing who she really is. She plans on doing this by going to all these different stores and asking about alot of differnt things so the feed wouldn't know what to send her. On p(97)When she and Titus sat down to eat she told him refering to the feed"they're also waiting to make you want things"meaning that it's the sole job to sell and sell to anyone who's on the feed! Her willingnless to do says that she's a person who knows what she wants and knows excatly how's she's going to get it. If i had to decribe Violet's personality in a pharse it would be "a go getta" that's exactly what she is. The closest person i know that's like Violet would have to be my grandma, i think she acts like Violet in so many different ways because when she sees something that she feels isn't right or king of and injustice she must speek on it and try to change it to the best of her ablities while respecting the rights and freewill of others, that's why i think she's like Violet. The way Titus responded to Violet's project showed that even though he's bacially moved by the feed, for lack of better term, he still has a normal part to him... meaning he was willing to help even though it wasn't something he totally understood. Kind of like alot of the guy I know. They're aiways willing to help out if they think they will get something out of it(wink,wink:)!
Monday, April 27, 2009
"We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck" This sentence set up the novel because it was the attention grabber.... when i say this I mean after you read this part of the book you're thinking in your head like what? Who the hell goes to the moon and thinks it sucks either these people are super high or are some really spoiled BRATZ!!!!!!! I also think that Titus, Marty, Link, Loga, Quendy, and Calista are all very different but have more in common then we think.... at first you might look at them and think that they are the kids of the future but really they are the kids of NOW! Quendy who is the "economy model" of Calista says Titus( p.25) Is our side kicks of today which we all probably have. Loga Who's like the quite but sluty one of the group.... is like the quite girls at school who are undercover freaks!! Then we Link who's really really ugly but the girls seem to like him.... just like these UGLY guys at hemry that girls are always flonting on. On the other hand you have Calista who is a total BITCh and knows it like the ones at Henry. Marty who's the jock without a brain that tells you all you need to know!! last but not least Titus who's smart but not really... so you see you can find a little of yourself and your friends in these chacters. This setting of the novel was a very good choice the auther choose because not only are you not bord when you start reading it kind of forshawdows the rest of the story!
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